Why Should You Become a High School Volleyball Official?
There’s an urgent need for sports officials in this state. Volleyball’s popularity and participation levels for both boys and girls at the high school level are increasing and so is the need for qualified volleyball officials. Most officials start out as athletes or sports fans or both. We truly enjoy the intricacies of the sports we work. As an official, you won’t just be watching any more, you’ll be part of the game, with the best view in the house. Maybe you want to stay engaged and a part of the game you loved to play, or maybe you are looking get more engaged in the game your kids are playing. Either way, being an official will give you access to, and an appreciation for, the rules and strategies of the games you officiate like nothing else can.
Accept The Challenge
Every game — no matter the venue, player abilities or teams — is a challenge. Nothing is mundane. It’s a rush to be in the moment and have to make the big decision. Great games, talented players and hair-raising moments will become commonplace in your life, and you’ll be right in the middle of them. Officiating provides goosebumps in spades. If you like adrenaline, you can get it here.
Become a Leader In Your Community
Officiating teaches independent thinking and the ability to see the big picture — a skill that translates outside of officiating. It also requires the dedication, togetherness and ability to work as team that is important everywhere. Officials are often identified and associated with the sport(s) they work and recognized for it outside of officiating. Even if people don’t know you specifically, many people associate officiating with trustworthiness, impartiality, dedication and integrity… all qualities that can open doors for you in other areas of life.
Earn Extra Income
There is no better part-time job or hobby for you to make extra money doing something you enjoy than through officiating. It’s the perfect opportunity for anyone from a high school student, to a parent to a retiree. Games fees in the areas that we serve range from $110-130 per official for a dual match depending on conference. Officials also have the opportunity to work weekend tournaments where multiple matches can be worked and game fees can range to several hundred dollars depending on event.
National Association of Sports Officials (NASO)
You may also consider joining NASO, the only nation-wide officials support organization. As a member-driven community; NASO exists to unite, celebrate, develop and protect all officials so that they can reach their goals and take pride in their contributions to the benefits that sports provide society. Learn more about NASO at NASO.org.
If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact us through the contact page and a WHSVOA board member will be in touch.
**Portions of the content on this page has been sourced from naso.org and wiaawi.org with permission
Steps to Becoming A High School Volleyball Official
1) Get licensed as an official with the WIAA
In order to officiate at the high school level in Wisconsin, you will need to get licensed with the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA). It is easy to license online through the WIAA Website. Individuals in high school may apply for licensing and officiate contests up to and including the 9th grade level. The basic fee for each licensed official (no fees charged to high school students) will be $35. A $15 sport fee will be assessed for each sport for which you elect to be licensed. Prior to each sport season for which you are licensed, you will receive rules books, case books and officials manuals (when published). Licensing period for each school year begins May 1.
Officials Licensing FAQ's - Guide for Officials - WIAA Online Licensing
2) Join An Officials Association
It is highly recommended that you join an association. Membership
to an association is beneficial in that it can help individuals receive
mentoring, game assignments, additional training, etc. The Wisconsin
High School Volleyball Officials Association (WHSVOA) is a regional
volleyball association approved by the WIAA. Our membership consists
of more than 125 officials, the largest in Wisconsin. Please fill out the
Join WHSVOA form and our secretary will be in touch with more info.
3) Attend Meetings, Clinics & Observations
The WHSVOA proudly offers some of the best training for volleyball
officials in the state of Wisconsin. We typically hold three association
meetings early in the season as well as offer several pre-season clinics
and observation opportunities led by state level clinicians; FREE to all
WHSVOA members. WHSVOA Meeting & Training Calendar
4) Complete Annual WIAA Rules Test and Video
Once you have registered with the WIAA, you will be given a login to access the Rules Meetings & Exams section of the WIAA website. Officials are required to complete the WIAA volleyball rules test and video by the the deadline each year.
5) Get Assignments
Our association serves a majority of the conferences in southeast Wisconsin by providing qualified officials for matches and tournaments throughout the season beginning in late August. WHSVOA members are given access to our assigning software system, Zebraweb, where our assignor will find opportunities for you to officiate. Assignments will be given based on your comfort level and availability.
Equipment Needed
White/Blue/Grey WIAA Approved Polo Shirt
Black Pants (black shorts are optional during the regular season)
Black Leather Belt
Black Socks
Solid Black Shoes
Net measuring device
Flipping coin (size of a quarter or larger is recommended)
Ball gauge/Air Pump
Red & Yellow Sanction Cards
Lineup card